The book entitled Islamic civilization in the edit by Hj Morad Ahmad Fauzi and Ahmad Tarmizi Talib is one of the further education to students who occupied the Islamic religion degree course at any of the Institutions. Book "Islamic civilization" has some special contribution in the success of this book is Aimini Mohammad Amir Abdullah and Zarina. In his book "Islamic civilization has 14 main chapters of Islam as a religion and civilization, God, man and nature, the main source of Islamic civilization, epistemology and axiology Islam, Islamic history of civilization, family and community, education, economics, law: Shari'ah as Basic, politics and administration, philosophy, science and technology of Islam, the fields of science and technology Islam, concept cents in Islam, architecture and environment.
Islamic civilization is one of the best of world civilization. Study after study has been done and to this day there are still new discoveries in the Islamic civilization that has not been discovered by the community moden.sumbangannya invaluable in shaping a civilized and advanced generation. In this book also discusses some basic points that have managed to build it self-civilization. In the first part of the discussions revolve around the basic concepts, including Islam as a religion and civilization, the nature and features of the Islamic civilization Islamic universe of view, the main sources civilization Islam and the concept of knowledge and the Islamic perspective. In this first stage would explain the importance of religion and learn about the greatness of God and the laws must be carried out by each person Islam. Islam also calls upon us to organize all living in an orderly manner. Concepts and philosophy of history according to the Qur'an is completely different to the concept and history of Islam philosophy west. Islam is not only concerned with the spiritual aspects of material and human aspects postpone as recommended by Arnold J Toynbee, an English historian who wrote the book A study of 12 volumes of history or material concerned solely with spiritual forget as submitted by the Karl Marx. Islam seal importance to both. Networking basics have been able to generate a civilization can be seen clearly up to the European influence, the entire continent of Asia and Africa
In the second part which is discussed in this book is uniqueness combination of social institutions, education, economic, legal, judicial and political Seta and administration. The combined results have succeeded in producing an advanced and civilized society high until acknowledged by all human societies until the Day of in the world this. For example, also have a number of prominent Islamic scholars in the past century. Al-Jamali example he gives the definition of education as a process of forming habits and attitudes of a person in all aspects of life whether spiritual life, physical sense, moral and social order get devotion to God. The concept of Islamic education is to produce individuals who are well-equipped both in terms physical or spiritual and material or social in order to achieve this life or hereafter. Islam is the premier economic development in the world to century ago, which produce a variety of interests and needs so that this Day of. Legislation and judiciary Muslim world is also in line based on the law laid down by religion.
Next on the third turn technolgy discuss the science and philosophy from the standpoint of Islam, including the field-field that has been discovered by scientists of Islam and its achievements. According to the philosophy of Islamic science as well as the Qur'an and phenomena natural universe is Allah's book (the Book) which contains various information. Secrets and transmission to be served by Allah.s.wt. Among other evidence alluring have evidence doctrine (doctrinal transmission) that describes a set doctrine related knowledge in common environmental Org. no doubt that Islamic scientists have actually contributed significantly to the development of Islamic civilization.
This book shows the ability of Islam as a universal civilization for all time .it is aims to explain the negative perceptions in the current societies of the Muslim world. This book is very helpful and will ensure the quality in the life civilized and harmonious in the process of globalization.